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Content and Structure

“Without avoiding tough conversations (or dramatizing), I will teach you what I know about birth that I know will be beneficial for you. And we will have fun doing it!”  Anna Wilsby Frisk

The Birth Project Course gives you a step-by-step easy guide to your dream birth. With short instructional video-lessons, audios and exercises Anna leads you and your birth partner on the way. 

Weekly Live Online Q&As
Every Tuesday at 7PM GMT (11AM PST) Anna hosts a live online Q&A, where she focuses on a specific subject for the first 10-15 minutes and then answers your questions for the rest of the session.

If you cannot attend a Weekly Booster, the session will be recorded and accessible during a couple of weeks.

To help you stay on track, Anna will send you thoughts, reminders and bonus exercises a couple of times a week by e-mail. 


  1.  The Birth Process
    1. What You Need to Know About the Birth Process
    2. The Different Types of Contractions and How to Breathe* 
    3. How to Relax When it Hurts
  2.  The Role of the Partner
    1. How to Support Your Partner
    2. Effective Massage and Positions
    3. Coaching in Tough Situations
    4. Pain Relief Strategies
  3.  Mental and Physical Strategies
    1. How to Dissolve Negative Thoughts and Fears
    2. How to Find Your Compass
    3. How to Keep Your Focus
  4.  The Birth and the Baby
    1. Going to the Clinique
    2. Giving Birth
    3. Coming Home with the Baby
    4. Postpartum (you and your body)
  5.  Audios and Meditations
    1. Breathing Meditations
    2. Dream Birth Meditation

Every module consists of videos, exercises and summaries. You will be able to download these summaries and exercises as pdf´s.

You have access to the course for nine months. If you need to do the course again after that, in possible coming pregnancies, you will get a 50% discount.

OK, it is time to prepare for your birth - the true birthday!

Welcome to The Birth Project!

 *Anna teaches what she calls "Conscious Adaptive Breathing" - i.e. how to breathe as relaxed and softly as possible, depending on how strong, long or short the contraction is.

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